Children with helmets in a wooden tunnel in the trees

Park informations

Access conditions

Minimum height: 1m
Minimum age: 3 years old
Maximum authorized weight: 120 kg

Free parking
Make sure each participant is wearing sportswear : running shoes, long hair tied, no earings nor necklaces.
Free parking
Adults bringing children must imperatively stay in the park.
Those who want can do the activity with an entry fee. Free for those who do not participate.
Trails are made so that adults can follow the children up in the trees. Wheelchairs and pushchairs can be driven at ease.
Free parking

A >> snack bar<< is at your disposal in the park.
Wooden tables on the forest outskirts are at your disposal for your picnics.
Drinking and free water at Pitchoun Forest’s entrance and at the outfitting zone.

Free parking

Toilets are at your disposal:

– at Pitchoun Forest’s entrance

– in the snack area near Le Village des Fous

Free parking

Large free parking space.

6 PRM parking spots.

Free parking
Smoking is strictly forbidden inside the park.
Although, ashtrays are at your disposal on the park outskirts.
Animals are forbidden

Only in Pitchoun Forest : our animal friends are tolerated if they are kept on a leash.
In the other parks : animals are strictly forbidden even kept on a leash (does not include guide dogs).